Bradford, NH

Current Weather Conditions

04/20/2024 07:30:00 AM

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 47.1°F
Wind Chill 47.1°F
Heat Index 47.1°F
Dewpoint 44.3°F
Humidity 90%
Barometer 29.852 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) 0.004 inHg
Wind 3 mph from 251° (WSW)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Inside Temperature 76.6°F


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
49.4°F at 12:00:24 AM
46.7°F at 05:53:00 AM
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
49.4°F at 12:00:24 AM
42.7°F at 07:19:34 AM
High Humidity
Low Humidity
91% at 05:44:14 AM
62% at 12:00:01 AM
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
44.5°F at 05:35:44 AM
36.7°F at 12:03:47 AM
High Barometer
Low Barometer
29.919 inHg at 12:05:02 AM
29.820 inHg at 06:25:02 AM
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr at 12:00:01 AM
High Wind 9 mph from 256° at 01:17:13 AM
Average Wind 1 mph
RMS Wind 1 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
1 mph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
76.6°F at 12:00:01 AM
76.2°F at 03:20:02 AM


About this weather station:
Latitude: 43° 12.00' N
Longitude: 071° 54.00' W
Altitude: 675 feet

This station uses a VantagePro2, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

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Weewx uptime: 0 days, 6 hours, 28 minutes
Server uptime: 271 days, 14 hours, 54 minutes
weewx v3.7.1

Today's Almanac
Sunrise: 05:56:02 AM
Sunset: 07:36:43 PM
Moon Phase: Waxing gibbous
(86% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector day rx percent